Dorian Grey. A man who can't look at his own face. In a lot of ways your face reveals something about yourself. I know about the age old saying you can't judge a book by its cover. But that's said by ugly people who lack passion in their life. Attractiveness is one thing, but then there is spirit. Look at how rapidly people move their eyes! Indicates how many cogs are turning. Is there a constant line in between their eyebrows? Indicates how much weight is on them. Are they smiling? Are they smiling with dead eyes?
When I first heard the Dorian Grey story I thought it sounded like a great trade off. Like who really needs to be able to look at themselves. But to not look at yourself is to not really know yourself. When i'm not taking care of myself one aspect is i try to minimally look at myself. I know some people hate looking in the mirror. I've been around people who cover up mirrors. People mark it off as being about not liking their looks, but I think it's more. We can't all be beauty queens, but we can all bring something to the table.