Hot Girl Job
Well I technically have a job. It's a hot girl's job. Something that sounds good in theory, but at times can be a bit daunting. It's an only girls boot camp located ten minutes away from Fashion Island. The mecca of hot rich white women. And so far the demographics don't lie. It's nice to be among them. They have teslas and literally perfect bodies. Hairless, well lotioned, and tanned.
In the interview the owner told me that she can't have botox because she's pregnant. She is very pregnant, but you wouldn't be able to tell from the rest of her. Her legs and arms are of a Victoria's Secret model. She has beautiful long curled hair. Not the natural curls. But the curls that you get when your hair is naturally straight, but you use a curling iron and have beach setting spray.
When she mentioned that she couldn't get botox because she was pregnant. I tried to commiserate with her by mentioning that I'm not in the market for botox, but my underbags look like I'm basically always overslept. She mentioned a product called tula, immediately brought out the amazon link on her phone and showed it to me. I immediately wrote that in my notes app. This might be late in the game, but if I can be among the beautiful glamorous women. And infiltrate this secret little cool girl club. Then by golly call me a stanford wife.
It's not going to be easy. Hard work! Working out consistently. Trying to make myself appear happier. Doing things that accentuate my looks. I cant be velma anymore. Its time to be center stage.