How to solve a problem like Marias

My neighbors are throwing me a baby shower. The benefit of having a baby shower is everyone does the work and you just show up. The negative is when you get women together there always seems to be friction. I sound like such a pick me. Why are all women drama? But like what the fuck do men have that we seem to be missing. Shouldn't testosterone make everyone competitive with each other and aggressive. Yet we seem to be the ones that can't get along. 

I'm not perfect either. I've talked shit. I've gossiped. I've played the game. I usually lose the game. 

How to solve a problem like marias?

The big drama of the baby shower is that one mom suggested adding dye to the lemonade. Red dye to be exact. Either your ingredient conscious and you live in fear of plastic seeping into your brain. Or you're blissfully unaware and maybe getting cancer and being judged by other hotter women? Pick your poison! 

Speaking of Maria. I've recently had a dream of someone I went to middle school with(Eric). The dreams were usually very stressful. It came to a tipping point and eventually I reached out to Maria hoping she had Eric's number. I reached out and it went as follows.

me:Do you have eric number?or know someone who has his number

Maria: Uhhh why are you asking haha

Me: I keep having this weird dream. Like it's been 7 times I just want to make sure he is okay. i know it sounds bizarre

Maria: Haha oh well I'm sure he's fine. I don't think the person I'd know would even remotely feel comfortable exchanging his number and I don't have it anymore

Me: well thanks for that

Maria: I don't really want to get involved tbh if you find it have fun (with a laughing emoji)

The response maddened me. Like why ask if you're not going to get involved? Maybe it angered me because in this scenario I'm the crazy one. Maybe it's because I am already annoyed with maria. Either way just typing this makes me mad. Maybe the laughing emoji just feels taunting.Or the “have fun”. Like I told you, I'm worried…. And you end it with fun. Fuck you!!!! 

Eventually I did get the number. From a gay man. The one demographic that can exist in both worlds. I sent a very bizarre voicemail. Explaining my dreams, and just hoping for an answer that said I was just crazy and not psychic. But he did reach out and he did have things going off in his life that would make any sane person extremely stressed. Am I psychic? Or just good at context clues? 

My evil grandmother would have really bad feelings about ex boyfriends that were always correct. Once she hadn't talked to her forever, but then suddenly knew that they had a massive heart attack. Their current wives always hated when evil grandma would reachout unsurprisingly.  Mom doesnt have this trait though. Does the  psychics gene skip a generation?Does the crazy gene???


