Not my best article, but something to post

Did I have love at first sight with joe? No. But on our first date I knew he was going to be my boyfriend. It was a calm voice in my head that said “this is your next boyfriend”. Maybe that's what happens when you've dated a bunch, and hardened a bit. Joe was definitely not what I imagined who I would end up with. But one our first date I was fascinated by him. More than anyone ever.  I just knew I wanted to know everything about him. 

I’ve prided myself on how many first dates i've been on. A weaker women would be ashamed. Something about wanting to appear in virgininal I assume. But i love it.

Its funny joe to the outside world had a lot of red flags. He was married!!! For christ sakeHe swore off marriage!! He doesn't talk to his parents that much. 

If one of my friends told me they were living with a guy who is anti-marriage and is still betrothed to another, I would tell her to run for the hills. Yet it worked out. He did officially get divorced. He did marry me. He has adopted my family with open arms. I feel safe and loved. 

How many men could handle their wife posting everytime she hated them? Not a lot. Joe really lets me be me. That was clear from the beginning.




Hi! School Reunion?