Poem for Joe

An Ode to my doe, Joe. The utmost creature of habit. My habitat. Hands always moving. Ego permanently on a backburner. Sweeter than any heart. Seriousness is the clothes that hide his heart. Safety precaution if you ask me. I saw past the robotic exterior. The more I saw his heart, the more it grew. A grinch like progression. And I, his Cindy Lou. My exotic jew. A man who prattles on, even when people's ears grow exhausted. A hygiene that the Cdc would fuck. An asain driver. Sweatpants are his uniform. Free shirts he wears with a badge of honor. It only took a marriage to tame his stubborn unibrow. A mouth that speaks ill of no one. A mind that hopes and loves. Furry toes that walked 100,000 steps. Passionate armpits ready to demand attention. Boobs that would shame a pregnant mother.


Courage is My New Word


My Current Stance of Mawiage